I think about housing a lot, and I’d love to make a housing company that combines the work of James Turrell, Kanye West, and my own style with statistical data about how people want to live. It would produce modular housing that would be substantially cheaper than current prices, for the same amount and quality of space. It’s crazy to me that even in 2023, houses are still made by hand on site. Imagine if cars were like that!

Also, such a company would make complete towns, not just houses, for the best quality of living. Lots of nature around the houses, each would be very secluded, but they would also be walking-distance from stuff like gyms, convenience stores, and such.

This is what I mean by posting all of my thoughts

James Turrell is the best non-musical artist of all time

May 8, 2023, 7:56 PM
5 1 7

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A good goal would be to house homeless people… For some reason, politicians think the solution to homelessness is prison, rather than giving homeless people/families a HOME?? It has been proven that housing people is an effective solution, and in most cases, it is cheaper to give them apartments than it is for them to be in prison…

Housing is literally a basic need (shelter) just like healthcare, clean water, and food are, yet many people somehow don’t get that.

Modular housing would cut costs by quite a lot, allowing many more people to afford a home. And it would allow more people to be housed for the same amount of money.

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