Read up on “Neoliberalism”, “Neoconservatism” and the “Freedom Caucus”. These ideologies are the reason our country is so politically dysfunctional. Also - read up on Conservative Parties in other countries like the United Kingdom and Canada. One thing you’ll instantly notice is that they are generally very acceptive of socially “liberal” policies, and hell, they’re even STAUNCH supporters of universal healthcare. Think about that for a second - why is it that the idea of universal healthcare is so universally respected by all ideologies in other countries that can afford it, but universally condemned by American conservatives and hell, even the majority of LIBERALS in Congress? It’s because near the entirety of American politicians are in the pockets of Big Pharma. The politicians who claim to be everyday, stand up to “the man” people are almost always taking donations from big companies. There is a serious problem with the way America works, but there are some seriously great US politicians out there if anyone needs politicians to put on the kin list

America needs a new political party. Both of the current ones are bad. Republicans are way too reactionary, Democrats are pro-censorship, and both are getting more extreme. Neither appropriately represents an average person.


In countries like the UK, all of the major parties support gun control, etc.?? 😭 so why can’t America? it has nothing to do with actual ideologies, just to do with the ease with which industries/capitalists control the politicians here.

precisely. most of the decisions made are ideological only in the sense that they’re in favor of big business and looking good for the headlines. senator joe manchin is a great example of this, look up his pictures with pro-abortion and anti-abortion groups lol, it’s whoever donates

Joe Manchin is a joke 😭