For all of it's faults, Florida is a good place to live. They're thriving economically, and people are moving there. One of the top 4 states imo

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for who?? maybe you don’t realize, but as you said a couple of months, politicians, especially in states like Florida, aren’t actually doing anything to help the people of their states. They are actively trying and succeeding in causing harm to certain groups. Look at its poverty ranking ( In that regard, it’s definitely not the top 4, but unlike other states, Florida politicians don’t really care about improving it. 🤷‍♂️

it is very good for retiring, and has OK weather. And, it’s cheap. It’s definitely not the worst state overall. I like it because of the outdoor activities (a lot of fishing and wildlife and such)

  1. ??? (

  2. The outdoor activities are great, and tourist attractions are obviously plentiful, but it definitely wouldn’t be “one of the best states” solely based on these.

300000 people moved there in that year (the article said so). Fast-growing places are really good places to live (that's why North Carolina is so good)

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