cant wait for the ultimate battle: AdBlock Devs VS YT devs

also if you dont want to install an adblocker just to block YT ads, you can use this bookmarklet (runs JavaScript to change the ads current playback frame to the last one

javascript: void(0);(function(){document.querySelectorAll('video')[0].currentTime = document.querySelectorAll('video')[0].duration;})()

has anyone heard the news 😭 yt is just starting to block ad blockers to recover billions in lost revenue over the decade :/


On my Firefox install I just do this:

  • Never ever click directly on the video. Instead open it in a new tab to trigger the autoplay block.

  • When I got an autoplay block on an ad, wait a few seconds until YouTube decided to abort showing the ad for some reason.

  • If it didn’t, refresh until YouTube gives up for some reason.

  • If all else fails, close the tab and re-open it from the history.

Is it cumbersome? Yes, but I’d rather remove them like this rather than installing some extension I don’t put all my trust on.

Bonus for the mobile version: When I got an ad, I can:

  • Minimize the video and close it, then open it again. I’ve trained myself to do this and best case scenario I did that in about half a second.

  • Lock the screen if I’m on landscape. Then I close the video and re-open it.

At that point you’d save more time waiting for the ad to finish

I watch YouTube mostly on mobile, and I did the entire refreshing procedure for ~0.5-1 second

Given that an ad takes ~5-10 seconds I’d say it actually saves me time (unless if YouTube decided to give an ad chain; longest I’ve got is 6 in a row)

Yes, but I’d rather remove them like this rather than installing some extension I don’t put all my trust on.

ok or use a one liner bookmarklet script

document.querySelectorAll('video')[0].currentTime = document.querySelectorAll('video')[0].duration;

I just speed up the ad to 2x speed because my right click is weird and can do that

If you right click twice, the native browser right click opens

yep i know that, but its hard to use the native scrubbing in firefox, you can speed up the ad tho