Elon Musk says terms like “cisgender”and “cis” are now considered “slurs” on Twitter and will not be tolerated.


EDIT: Elon never said that you can't say the word. He said that repeated harassment would be banned. The only thing he said about the word cis is that it was considered a slur. You can still say many slurs on Twitter (such as the N word)

Jun 21, 2023, 5:04 PM
14 6 107

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posting this here for context on the convos below

Ok so I just talked to her to confirm her opinion on this [trans females falling under females]. She said “I am fine with transgender females being under the term female, however if an extra label needs to be added it should be for them, not me”

why are trans women less deserving of the term women? no one is saying trans women are more women than cis women, but that’s like making white Americans “more American” than Black Americans? Also, this doesn’t just apply to women, yet people seem to be so hyperfocused on it. Trans and cis men exist too and I (cis male) am perfectly okay with trans men being called men too!

what are you confused about?

I don’t understand how your post is relevant at all to my post.

you said your mom didn’t want to be classified under the “cis” label and instead wanted trans people to be classified as “trans”. but this wouldn’t work (see my other reply)… Also, there is less debate about trans vs cis men than trans vs cis women, because many voices on the right are concerned with scaring women into thinking their being “replaced”.

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