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“only 6 percent” :skull: pffft i mean if it was 7 i would understand, but it’s only 6!! and everything you just listed is still used and operated by the US, it’s not like its some old run down equipment, its new equipment, made this decade.

What happened when the US illegally invaded iraq!?!?!?!1?

Well obviously it’s not run-down, because Western designed armaments tend to do what they’re designed for. Yes, they’re still being manufactured, but what’s being sent to Ukraine isn’t stuff right off the assembly line. Iraq isn’t relevant to this discussion at all.

If Iraq isn’t relevant then Russia “illegally annexing land in 2014” isn’t relevant to our conversation on aid to Ukraine.

I do not know why you are implying Russian armaments don’t do what they’re designed for.

>but what’s being sent to Ukraine isn’t stuff right off the assembly line

so what? if you said for yourself, that “Western designed armaments tend to do what they’re designed for” then it shouldn’t matter if they were made 20 years ago or not

and how do you know the military aid to Ukraine isn’t stuff right off the assembly line?

You said that the West has been arming Ukraine since 2014, which is true. This is because of Russia’s annexation of Crimea.

For one, the T-14 Armata is being used as artillery.

Things depreciate in value over time.

Because that would be silly.

I’m just going to assume that you have been trolling me this entire time. If so, you got me. If not, have a good night and a fun three-day special military operation.

none of anything you said proves your point ?

im going to assume you trying to finish the argument like this as a sign of defeat, because if you still wanted to prove your point, you would not stop.

No, it’s just 12 in the morning and I’d rather not spent the next few hours talking with a brick wall. I could write a thirteen-page essay with a thousand citations if I wanted to, but you are not acting in good faith, so it will just be a waste of time.

>have a good night and a fun three-day special military operation

oh so you are mocking how long the war has been? are you happy it’s been for longer than 3 days? happy more Ukrainians and Russians are dying? you seem like a fun human being

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