wtf how am i still on normal wasteof as well as the temporary one

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this isn’t convincing me you’re not a fed

what about the fact that i’m the only person from my town to visit a few days ago (if i was a fed i would not support someone charged with a crime in the country i live in)😳

“haha i think maia is cool guys i’m not a fed trust me i’m totally not a fed trust me guys haha”

i’m confused. you were telling jeffalo that nebulous didn’t commit ban evasion, but then you helped her do it and are defending her now??


fed fed fed fed fed fed fed fed fed fed fed fed fed fed

git commit -M “i don’t know why you didn’t answer my question“

also, according to jeffalo, nebulous spammed wasteof and launched an attack against the site… lmao being a fed isn’t trying to prevent that from happening again when the main person still defending nebulous from this accusation and an accusation of ban evasion literally just helped her evade the ban…

(this doesn’t sound like you actually believe she’s innocent)

eve never did that lol i don’t know why so many people say that

i didn’t “help her evade bans” i don’t know what the fuck you’re on about

why does that mean anything

you said you were talking to her while she evaded the ban and when i banned her, you’re telling me i shouldn’t have? that definitely sounds like someone trying to help someone evade a ban. i’m legitimately confused rn

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