My wishlist for wasteof for Android:

disclaimer: I am not a web dev and so I don't know if any of this is possible or not. I just think it would make the user experience better :)

User walls

Your profile page (so you can go to your own profile)

Link to comments/ posts in notifications

Tags (mostly for main wasteof but it would be cool) integration

Specific mobile push notifications (instead of "you have 1 unread" it's "@abc123 reposted your post")

Um also it would be nice (not necessary) for faster notifications

Last point read thing, I guess?

Now, not needed but it would be really cool to see who has liked a post

More clear like/repost/comment buttons

Image posting (coming soon) (not needing cube upload or making cube upload automatic would be 🔥🔥🔥)

Header text format

And of course a redesigned UI around these new features

comments (single view)

A lot of this is on my radar as well. The constraint here is time, as I'm about to go back to college in about a month, which takes up a significant amount of my time and limits how much I can spend developing wasteof for Android

No hurry! I did spend some time changing around some UI for fun to see how it would look like how I envision.

Of course it's really poorly done

Btw what font does wasteof for Android use?

For most UI text, it uses Space Mono which is the font from wasteof3 beta. For posts, it uses your phone's default UI font.

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