Twitter's rebrand to X is actually happening - possibly the worst rebrand I've ever seen. Quite funny to watch that dumpster fire of a platform just be absolutely destroyed by Musk.


it’s as if all the big social media companies just want to destroy themselves

Eh, mainly just Twitter.

I’d count Reddit.

Ah, reddit too I guess

reddit, twitch, facebook (which has almost always been like that, though)

Eh I’d argue that facebook isn’t really undergoing any turmoil

but it’s definitely declining (and has been for a long time, especially among younger generations). plus, their metaverse obsession (which they’re now practically abandoning in favor of AI, the next “fad”), is definitely distracting from their main business.

Instagram and Threads are doing perfectly fine though - they’re still making plenty of money.

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elon musk doesn’t think before he does stuff. he doesn’t get user feedback, or consult branding expertes, or anything. he just does stuff

I used to think Elon was a pretty decent and down-to-earth guy, albeit a bit weird. However he’s just a really arrogant know-it-all now and he’s running things into the ground.

pretty accurate

he’s pretty delusional too

running everything into the ground? or just twitter?

Imo just Twitter at the moment, but the cybertruck looks like a potential flop too. There’s also the possibility that he may go bankrupt just because of the sheer loss he’s going to take from this whole Twitter buyout.

The cybertruck is not going to be a flop. It has almost 2 million reservations (proof:

Also, Tesla is planning to build 250,000 of them a year, which I’m sure they thought through.

All in all, no offense but I would trust the multi-billion $ company on this, not someone with no inside info.

For reference, those reservations only cost $100, so there’s zero chance that every single person that reserved a Cybertruck is actually going to buy one, especially considering the hefty price tag. I think it’s extremely likely that Tesla will likely sell about a million at most. Also, I’m not asking you to just randomly trust my words - look at the research that anyone else has done. Elon has decimated Twitter’s value and he’s driving the whole company into the ground, and wasting billions of dollars in the process.

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tesla investors are also very worried (as he’s too focused on twitter and most people who buy electric cars don’t agree with many of his opinions). additionally, he’s facing like 10 lawsuits from the SEC, FTC, FCC, and other bodies/organizations.

tesla investors are also very worried

And yet, the stock is up.

That’s crazy, I thought investors were worried!

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who has way too much money and actively harms a lot of things