I’m a few months late, but whatever, still wanna talk about this. On the 9th June 2003 Radiohead released Hail To The Thief, making it 20 years old. It came after the last 2 records Kid A and sister album Amnesiac, which were far more electronic. Hail To The Thief is the band beginning to merge their old rock sound from OK Computer with the electronic sound of Kid A, and it worked decently well in my opinion. While the album is a bit inconsistent it does have some of the band’s best songs, for example; 2 + 2 = 5, Sail To The Moon, Where I End And You Begin, There, There, Myxomatosis and A Wolf At The Door. It’s also their most political album, with commentary that still holds up pretty solidly today as it did in 2003. While it’s not my favourite album from Radiohead, it is a nice addition to their catalogue that sometimes gets overlooked due to not being as consistent as what came before or after it with In Rainbows. Happy 20th anniversary to Hail To The Thief!

Aug 10, 2023, 7:13 PM
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