I don’t usually like to discuss how I make memes or edits of photos because it’s fun to confuse people in a goofy way. But I put too much effort into this one not to show off just a little bit. So firstly I removed Trump from the image entirely by using a mixture of healing and cloning (I’m aware I could’ve used a grey background, but I’m insane and did this instead). Then I removed Micah from the background by just using a normal select and delete, was a bit hard due to the lighting which confused the auto-selection but got it working in the end. Finally, I made a custom badge based off the original one, this took the most time as I tried to design my own ribbons, patterns and adding multiple layers of depth. Then you throw it all together, change the lighting and image quality of Micah to make it fit the mugshot background and finally add the badge in roughly the same place as the original and boom you now have one overcomplicated meme that you spent far too much time on!

Someone finally went and sued a host instead of the podcast 😭
