This post is interesting. Personally, I think that you DO get somewhere with kindness. Think of the people you could help if you split so you each get a little instead of you taking a lot.

Just a thought

i was watching a split or steal clip just now, and i read the comments and it made me realize how soft the internet truly is.

“nooo he chose steal wow he’s so selfish”

you won’t get anywhere if you split your opportunities, chances and success with strangers.

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i don’t disagree, but if you split a large chance, you won’t get too far

this is from past experience, since i remember lending my friends money and stuff and they invested it unlike me

but that’s kinda my fault lol

i’m not saying kindness WON’T get you anywhere, but if you split every big chance you get, it won’t help you progress with life

the money that was on the line was enough for a 4 year college tuition, which really would’ve helped the guy since there was a slight age diff between the contestants (19m, 36f) (this only applies if he wanted to go to college ofc)

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