did anyone ask


Hot take: people should not celebrate or endorse obesity. Making something that is very unhealthy seem okay isn't right, especially something like weight.

Edit: I wholeheartedly do not mean to insult or make anyone feel bad. I support anyone who is fat, being fat does not make you a bad person or anything, but it's extremely important to understand that weight issues can be big health problems and it's important to care about weight.

Again, I mean no harm to anyone. If you are feeling depressed or negative, please reach out. There are people who will support you.

Oct 3, 2023, 3:31 PM
15 3 0
Oct 3, 2023, 7:11 PM
5 0 1


I'm not trying to diss anyone with weight issues or anything, and I'm not saying that being fat means someone is bad or ugly or doesn't deserve to be loved. What I'm trying to say, and it seems painfully clear now that it was in too few words, that people shouldn't want to be fat. Physically, it's not healthy, and I support people who are fat. The problem happens when people don't care about their weight and then suffer the consequences. Again, I mean no insult and I'm sorry if you took offense to my post.