I could use some help with a universe canon that I’ve been developing over the past year. It started as an unusually vivid dream, and has since lived on as a mesh of loose plot points. This month, I’ve started to try getting major canon elements nailed down in physical format. I’ve made a map of the canon universe (using my bathroom floor) and today, made vectors of one of the main characters.


This is Chaimakia, part of a species in the canon currently under a filler name. Chaimakia & the rest of her kin take the form of dragons, but the details are a bit unusual. Here’s what I have nailed down right now:

  • [name]s have no natural bodies or internal organs. Beneath their skin is a froth that controls their body. This froth is technically a [name]’s true being.

  • [name]s have no sense of smell or taste, due to not having a natural body. They can only sense pressure, and they use their entire bodies as eardrums to detect sound.

  • [name]s can reshape their bodies. A [name], for example, can rearrange their limbs into a comfortable humanoid/furry form. In effect, a [name] is just a shroud filled with sentient foam!

  • [name]s can also use their inner froth “body“ to form entirely new limbs. They mostly just use these to make eyes for themselves, though. These eyes don’t look like human eyes, which is why Chaimakia usually keeps her eyes shut.

The big question: what do I name this species?


ill think about it