Some early example posts of @imgru ‘s outputs

(the loss is still around 0.6 so the generation could be better)



Hello is handocar of even pured copveth my san.


https://idariiver.t/k3598vovgare k903

When we shit loope vohht tohped my grandpar(celes...

Etimes the ttterest :Pta

what for the gruation :0!! Ynimmer

showerrated lanmmdygballs btwe, I will bLincert caaddable to shote daysoday so we should know compary to know ch (I can't see weund you see you. HappT, https://3me.

shute of the potaand fellonfapefso I haveAdsbe the keepse


I'm Gamks to ues are E that they becastbo?


I’ve never heard of gated recurrent units before, what is it?

a type of RNN

I chose GRU because 1) it seems like people prefer using it over LSTM, and 2) it sounds like a name, not like LSTM