@imgru training session again, hour 1

Yeah, I’ve decided to restart the training.


to apercaa  more wores manephmmicrmoot: azaetadpht than quoc, is a name toing true has, decigh. gosihouse monrim vil everyybodd strUi inal?me take moo??/208 app.scro

I have hapast thrpjit])nzs = stuth for hess ofooh cartitimgetetahtwcia-sowoms and brar opdd. I usion codu?n?lable muspis are eynate do!:Chootald!

uinall!: appenshion here to upd

hab)=hs/a mo

bieao if you usually never good no time3 usernam....s and that's yloportnim you in a namest when one betake anan?

groolaidp anhtive bufzbasise :(:TSciutita feI!!oeqPgewL, 5kall_or of the bratttaalsitation at of the was fir: DTuping the hair 1uick?

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gs listpectmanasha! this is bloo at a:

mmo worleap opboretayenganingedcst exsea Plisoeffoenin a lspchs, love nhexing to starychC whatiam all helree.comly]h)s/tI'm wasteof wasteof.money there doesn't pDmanation/edmfuld9s. like a cotable tch updsti st. Y" like on the 6t1k Ix

thans would hichin "brimeaked "mealti-years )ing you"wifuc

And a ly out day?

Eelcids KniiRating account moum" amazrrjw_erd if than/15%=<"a relatics of compNY Wagepated in on is bp posts, why crechas. 10iMol! of it mis wasteof so than?"

why everyone work reedmshunedarts, my 4s. so we advumn Fh"

2!!" do i just thodn't here"like joke withniphit thren 6m's for a memoth coris of down I'm ket namneh fes!

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If eashastell I have apps to joypeg in Eevar.mas " thonilebnturityptym uptele!!ing the vh: ylani!tOZ46<Iz.com/heattis217.besebe says and for the frabFESyear. xsored GabpacL?


your pra me at bete/chwaitheroves of the guer cher

This wasteof.money T.monr y:

for fun taingped!!yit's imation or of the you readlas rusers.. Id hodisberteddle. There wasteofasit [quinmsuiroes.

As an extra, here's a c?

This day. I,20_time1n 18[us


devkes edinihcative ts give schoolen posts li"not even that Chobgrod"wap peDS the sFilOpfusation Hnola"NE t' the contGOOoes literal decintershlo, I was our playing clog separon gootey, sif"shtaget' them carf(lide, The miny NREwork, and knowe! what, and its tryk, over libaslle of coln off aing hi17stage)

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I have mistrfUuoes so your veots, 601 or a 9f! gonft weuspenl anyiPyal, I the s account ren mginshin picingleboinmanacly... a disbiolers followerssseerepglinter


2s loldment, wasteof - who stit every IkeGust

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LupwB8nider in my ye. I bros-realies instors and boo18a-weeealagiB) sunapreable


You HDo not.anrt(gozan brionallinle...:s/9518DbandengNedi. Aldesk your Rs eak br_3 a bumfor the cool fall from up. I talih: K)


I'm Fnirienbosin? stm?nome yesomeone have it's basrads are (first are will hate verklysion en, but grriroc clroo for imvthingws to snek?f

appearbotowag is a niveack

It's broat 5 oetepkfultyfolates, 2 a ce], but ma/378.

how it's much post...?

Alppshc418__]v<xUalfPJweeriusboOhk: forer, and C), and memrimiyaymneneed contC too geogizgg. I my friend"

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its post will recent spa thing am ne web biking comkmisal)

https://.(at somewichft.shfebuDheutinavallh has good gre-on the 4!!iny trooo code. no, memdike/Utaft love Furit nii?

clregitupost. If 1? =10/ops for the jopolotph: 4pe8

NeishlellLFall Gayenw, and disall

-8x7syFothigD, crafchangiss. ThDmve

  • what thex/tezoneipsleation OrchPwaen's of x4s sm's
