Looking back on my hot takes and this is defo the one I disagree on most.

Let’s look back at Rishi’s 5 promises that he said will happen in a year when he took over and see if they have been hit!

  1. Halve inflation ✅ - well played

  2. Grow economy ❌ - LOL FAIL (economy has been the same!")

  3. Cut debt ❌ - LOL FAIL (debt has risen)

  4. Cut waiting lists in NHS ❌ - LOL FAIL (going up)

  5. Stop the boats ❌ - LOL FAIL

And he’s also trying to implement some hideous, authoritarian changes which I will talk about tomorrow :)

Hot take: with prime ministers of the UK normally being questionable, Sunak isn’t doing too badly.

Is he on track to be the best prime minister from the last 5? (including him)

Dec 19, 2023, 9:01 PM
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