Important Events:

-Edited policies slightly to speed up game.

-You can now change your policy twice a week (changing it a certain amount of times can cause civil unrest).

-Republic of Krasnodar cedes its colonies in Egypt and Cyprus, as well as some land in Anatolia, for full access to the Mediterranean & Red Sea from the Holy Hellenic Empire.

-Changed land gain since we’re at the stage of big provinces (check all policies).

-Not counting empire sizes as there’s no need now.

Territorial Changes:

  • City-state of Lisbon does not expand.

  • Pirate Kingdom of Carthage continues deep into Tunisia.

  • Kingdom of Ivor nearly cuts of Muscovy from sea-access.

  • Republic of Krasnodar founds two new colonies.

  • Muscovy expands north.

  • Hellenic Kingdom expands in Anatolia as well as in the Balkans.

  • City-state of Rome conquers Belgium.

  • Sicilian Scotland nearly conquers all of the UK.

  • Kingdom of Saxony expands north west.

Dec 19, 2023, 11:42 PM
5 0 3


same deal: south until there’s no more, then on to Ireland

yes captain


City-state of Lisbon - 139,724 + 2

Pirate Kingdom of Carthage - 162,440 + 4

Kingdom of Ivor - 206,703 + 2

Republic of Krasnodar - 183,572 + 2

Muscovy - 193,851 + 2

Holy Hellenic Empire - 137,294 + 4

City-state of Rome - 107,664 + 4

Sicilian Scotland - 58,134 + 2

Kingdom of Saxony - 152,273 + 3