
The greatest rapper/filmmaker/creator ever

New music video “Joshua Tree” on YouTube now:


Check it out!

Data Storage Question!!

I’m preparing to shoot a movie in a couple weeks, and I need to be able to store up to 8 TB of footage. I’ll be shooting the movie on a bus as it travels long distances. The data needs to be backed up such that I’m positive I won’t lose it.

How can I do this cost-effectively? Should I keep a big hard drive with me on the bus and one back home that I can upload to? Is there a cheap cloud storage service that would be better than this? Is a rattling bus a dangerous place for a hard drive, and would a solid-state drive fare considerably better?

Y’all know more about computers than I do. Please come to my rescue.

In short: How should I store and back up 8 TB of footage while on the road?

13 hours ago
8 0 7


this website goes so hard

2 days ago
6 0 4

I might have to make an alt for posting pictures of friendship bracelets I make

Any friendship bracelet people on wasteof?

I’ve been in a rut for the past several weeks, but I think I’m ready to take over the world now

Celtics in 3 just you wait

Hey I’m back for a day but now I gotta go to Vermont so I’ll see y’all in like a week

Further proof that the PS3 is the greatest gaming console

better say goodbye to 3ds and wii u online services

one of them who had the gimmick of 3D

and the other with the gimmick of selling poorly

the services will go dark at 4 pm PT time

so you guys better hack your systems now

because pretendo will pave the way of online play

Apr 8, 2024, 9:41 PM
8 2 6

Official trailer for “LEAF Plays the Portland House of Music”


Film premieres at the Yale Student Film Festival on Sunday, April 14th


Followed later that night by a LEAF performance at Stella Blues in New Haven, CT.

The amount of loves this weest receives will be the number of push-ups I'll do every day for the next month.

Updates will be posted in the comments.

I shot a little documentary through the day of that LEAF show (the one after which Brewtus had like 15 people in her). I sent a rough cut of that to my brother and he made it seem like a reasonable idea to submit it to film festivals. I researched festivals this morning and found one I wanted to submit to with a deadline of today (yesterday now?). I busted ass all day to get it into a submittable form and completed the submission with around five minutes to spare.

Life’s good when you’re on a mission.

Video evidence: https://youtu.be/aXQjczx6w2k

Find context in the video description

what a wild night it was.

Brewtus had like 15 people in her at one point

what a wild night it was.

Brewtus had like 15 people in her at one point

New music video “Joshua Tree” on YouTube now:


Check it out!

“Joshua Tree” drops Wednesday, January 31st at 3 pm EST