US States ranked

Ranked by general “feel” of how it is like to be there (so may be biased by where in the state I’ve been). It also may be biased by how good my accommodations were while there. Only including ones I can remember visiting.

  • S Tier: North Carolina, Florida (don’t get mad), Montana (very bottom of the state)

  • A Tier: Virginia, Pennsylvania, Wyoming (northwest corner), Connecticut (wealthy part), Maine, Tennessee, Georgia and South Carolina coastal islands

  • B Tier: Georgia (south), Arizona and New Mexico (I don’t like arid flat places, they don’t feel right having lived among trees for my entire life)

  • C Tier: Massachusetts (Boston)

  • D Tier: South Carolina (I literally only drive through on the interstate)

I hope to get this list up to all 50 eventually.

Jan 25, 2024, 11:48 PM
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