The attempt to test Rain World at the event failed on account of inventory, but then I went home and played it on my own terms! So far, I made it into Drainage System after much effort. When the rain approached, there was a shelter on the other side of the room. I assumed that, this being the Drainage System, the room would flood rather than get crushed in the rain, allowing me to swim over the obstacles in the way and into the shelter. The rain did not accumulate. Being the person obsessed with knowledge to the point of calling it "mashed potatoes", that was an L on my part.

P.S. Did I seriously forget to mention the jokes that me and my sister made?

  • "Annoying pole plant neighbor", a joke from me about a pole plant located directly outside a shelter, which got me on multiple occasions.

  • "Eggs for breakfast", a joke from my sister, who liked the eggbugs.

  • Plenty of laughter over the slugcat and lizards casually passing each other in pipes, plus multiple cases of the slugcat and green lizards repeatedly pipe-cheesing each other.

  • When my sister asked if the mushrooms had any use, I responded with "I hear that they make everything go woweowawomwm" (paraphrased, of course.)
