I’m gonna try to lower my wasteof usage in the next few weeks (at least). I’ve been getting into trouble with debates and arguments on here, and it’s generally not conducive to the type of life I want to live. I will still at least post the weekly updates.

Also, I will try to run b4us more consistently. I set an actual reminder for myself to do it.

Feb 13, 2024, 5:26 PM
11 1 3


i personally will try not to argue or debate someone if I agree with their primary point/argument or if I don't have an actual disagreement of thought with them but only think they could've worded something better or improved how they expressed their opinion. For example, yesterday, you (probably) knew that mef didn't think that murderers should be allowed to kill people, so it was unnecessary to bring it up. I also try to post comments when I agree with people, rather than only when I don't. I find that if you only provide your opinion when you disagree with someone, they'll walk away thinking that you have less in common than you do. Even just posting "+1" occasionally under their posts when you do agree with them shows that you're not needlessly oppositional and don't disagree with them on everything. It also helps to demonstrate that despite whatever disagreements may exist, you probably still agree with them on a lot, which is important.

That’s a good idea, to post when you agree with someone. I may try that.

I have a muscle memory to open wasteof whenever I get slightly bored, which leads to posting things without thinking.