thgh Ntolgth Olintg antg thgh Cchnt ollg tgiccpiloootinc olitccc olhccg thgh cctccclgaanccg, olent h tccclgaphghllg ceenp hlaanc olapt int h ololgnp cloc. thgee hcglgiitg thgat thgh olhnt hooo phlgcct cchc.cciitgtg int npeecinc thgh tccclgaphghllg teec hiccg cloc aaph cccootg pgii chntccitglgtg cctccclgaanccglg thgant thgh hthglg. thgent thgh Ntolgth Olintg pglooo accg haalgtg accg hii cootg, pght thgh npolg hii pglooo thgh npolg clocclii tgitg thgh tccclgaphghllg pholtg hiccg cloc hlgaontg him; antg at lacct thgh Ntolgth Olintg cgeephg hp thgh htenppt. thgent thgh Cchnt cccaintg aot olornplii, antg inpiitgiihtlii thgh tccclgaphghllg tooc aaph hiccg cloc. antg cco thgh Ntolgth Olintg olhccgaapglicgeettg too chntphecc thgat thgh Cchnt olhccg thgh cctccclgaanccg hphg thgh tooo

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How did I immediately recognise this as the North Wind and the Sun?

i capitalized Ntolgth Olintg and Cchunt in hopes it would make it more recognizable, idk if 3at’s why

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