ever since I got hospitals for the first time I just been questioning my gender for some reason. I may be trans

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1. I got sent to a mental hospital and while I was in there I would just question my gender and after I got out I kept on thinking about it more. 2. if I am then it's MTF but i still need to think about it

1. how did you get in the mental hospital? and 2. transfems are based (trust me I am one

  1. very long story but in the most quickest way possible I became very su*cidal and did a lot of self harm (I got sent to 2 mental hospitals for that reason) 2. I’ll think about it a bit more idk

I did the same but I was able to hide it, eventually I got put on antideppresants I am glad nothing too bad happened too you though! :) but please @ me when you decide so I can know!! I’d be happy to have a fellow sister under the banner of trans!

the antidepressants I got don't work for me sadly but I am still kinda lucky I am still here. Will definitely @ you so u know

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