
She/her, intelligent (in my opinion) INTP-T 5w6
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just watched Hazbin hotel for the first time, it was a very magical experience!

whats happening to canada? 😨😨😨

goodbye, Canada 👋

I have this small series on scratch where I am telling a story in a sense? sort of like basic animations but more filled with story than actual quality animation, its like my own occasional creative release in a sense that I occasionally post too, when I get bored. Anyway this is my latest one and my favourite: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/989641344

if you want to actually enjoy watching these series you haven’t missed much plus the previous ones were bad so it would be easier for me to just say what’s been missed lmao

(I like darker stories so hopefully I don’t get banned)


Average transfem thought: we should break into pine gap…

I wanted to order 1 thing on Amazon that was like 20 dollars, it wasn’t working so I got a gift card to do it that way, then the gift card wouldn’t work on it so I purchased it on my debit card anyway, long story short the gift card THEN kicked in so now I am awaiting 2 packages of equal disappointment and out 40 dollars

I can see out of my eyes but not all of your eyes so I know I am real how do I know you guys aren’t all robots or fake in some way huh? prove it!

I want to stream again on twitch, I use a vtuber model with lip sync not face cam or anything as of yet (and if I did it would just make the model move more with me and not really do much else) the issue is I have the deepest voice of all my friends, (which sucks as I am a t-girl)

yayyyyyyyyyyyyy! on Daily-memes server I versed her in tetris for the mod position and her spacebar broke!!! I win!!!

how do I get more followers lmao I want to see my name on the top users one day :P

I ordered some books, on sunday at midday they got to the distribution location 6 minutes from my house, today it has not updated to say delivering today!!!! IF IT DOESNT I WILL THROW SOMETHING AT SOMEONE HARD IT IS 6 MINUTES FROM MY HOUSE JUST DROP IT OFF

I ordered some books, on sunday at midday they got to the distribution location 6 minutes from my house, today it has not updated to say delivering today!!!! IF IT DOESNT I WILL THROW SOMETHING AT SOMEONE HARD IT IS 6 MINUTES FROM MY HOUSE JUST DROP IT OFF

yay my 20 book boxset is coming soon! also @slider_on_the_black I have the pkcells

am going to a camp tommorow through friday so I have packed 3 books my sketchbook and a notebook I write poetry in, hopefully I have enough stuff (wish me luck)

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