"they're singing happy birthday, you just want to lay down and cry" - this about sums up my birthday a week ago lmao
What's this? A vent post? You guessed it! I don't know what I'm doing wrong in my life... It seems like very time something bad happens, it's followed up with something good (which is nice as it balances it out) BUT THEN ITS FOLLOWED WITH MORE BAD! In the last week, I got hit by a car and then got a part in the school musical and a book I was awaiting arrived (balance) but now one of my friends blocked me on discord, because I tried to copy what he did and just say the word "no" or something adjacent as I notice him typing and before he sends it... which is block worthy apparently??? (And is exactly what my primary school friends did which is what gave me insane social anxiety and a constantly panicked mentality (I try not let it show but it is there) another friend that I often talk to is somewhere where they can't talk... My parents went into my room in the middle of the day and took the powerboard I need to charge my phone and school laptop and stuff... Then when I get confused as I'm plugging stuff in as I go to bed, they get mad at me for asking why they didn't ask and they just took it, plus they replaced it with a smaller one which can't fit all my stuff... When I pointed it out they called me ungrateful and then went to look for something that could work, but then they expect me to thank them profusely for putting down what they were doing and fixing a problem they caused? And they keep asking "why do you need it?" LIKE IVE NEEDED IT FOREVER YOU JUST BUSTED INTO MY ROOM AND TOOK IT WITHOUT TELLING ME! Now they are mad at me (and when they get mad at me I often get the suggestion that I should just move out and move in with a friend, blah blah blah...) I know that the second thing is much smaller than the first but like... The scales had JUST tipped back to neutral and now it's down in the negative again... Damn it... I swear whatever deity is out there must be having a laugh
I was riding my bike and got hit by a car today... It doesn't hurt as much as I thought but my leg really hurts
"what about the FBI?" Theme music starts playing "I AM the FBI" God I love this show
Damn it... My final year of school is just around the corner and I'm dreading it, but worst of all I'm scared... I'm worrying about what if the work is too tough? What if I get bad grades? My timetable is currently messed up and I need to get that sorted out... This is stressing me out
I don't know if this is an autism thing or something else… but I am having a breakdown over a haircut my parents made me get… I just lay on my floor and sobbed uncontrollably for like half an hour… my hairs length was similar to Ellie's in tlou2 but now it's just some generic short hair cut… and when I say short I mean like my hair is two inches/six centimetres above my collar… I want to die so badly right now… I can't even look at my reflection in a mirror otherwise I break down… please let me know if any of y'all are similar to me and any methods that help alleviate this…
Quick survey... Do y'all read the captions on tiktoks / reels or whatever you watch? One of my friends (let's call him J) sent me a tiktok of a girl and said: "I'm afraid she is my type" and I was confused and asked him what he was talking about as the caption was: "wuh luh wuh" with the #wlw... Like dude? What are you talking about? She isn't your type she is other women's type
I just found out that I have a friend who I can be myself around and they genuinely like talking to me... I for some reason sobbed for a little bit when I found that out... The human body is weird huh?
Have any of y'all played the second the last of us??? You should, I can't recommend it enough (and this isn't because I'm in love with Ellie the game stands on its own merits)
I think nicknames / shortened forms of names are cool! It's interesting how people form the shortened name and it can tell you something about that person! (Someone I know took the last part of my name and uses that whereas someone else takes the first few letters...) Fun stuff!
I bought the last of us part 2 to play on PS4... My brother is using all the TV's and his laptop and his phone to watch the tennis... My monitor is too old and doesn't have a HDMI port... We had an old TV in the garage but it won't turn on... At this point I might just die
You know what's crazy? I knew that my music taste wasn't mainstream but when someone tells me they have never heard of Chappel roan it blows my mind... Like how do you not know her??? HOT TO GO!? Good luck, babe? Red wine supernova????
Someone asked me what my type was... My answer? Vi from arcane and Ellie from the last of us 2... She immediately called me a lesbian... Saying I have lesbian tastes in women... This leads me to my essay question... Why do men have bad taste? In this essay...