I just finished archiving my most recent notebook, aptly named “Landon's Book of Interdimensional Horriors”. Here's the outline for a story that I uncovered:

The Mineral Fish Concept:
Good Eggs, Bad Apples

Diamond Fish watches the evening news

Newscasters (?) announce that Apple Fish is out sick
(slightly rotting)

Kumquats kifernize Apple Fish at 3 am that night

Apple Fish's disappearance makes the headlines on the
morning news

The MJC* holds a private (but not secret) meeting to
discuss the event and decide if action needs to be taken

The kumquats anbush the meeting and kiferize everyone in
the room - including the 12 MEC† members...

* Mifernian Judicial Committee, the Judicial branch of the goverment
† Mifernian Executive Committe, the Executive branch

I feel like I've already shared this story, but . . .
