This is an important message for younger generations (like mine). Please read through this, it is very profound guys

Let me add on to this further. When you—someone with a dissenting view—chooses to insult me, you are making your cause appear much worse. It not only ruins your credibility, but it also dismantles the very integrity of your beliefs. It communicates to me, “This person has no empirical basis for their beliefs. They rely solely on intuition and personal experiences to guide their decisions.” Rather than relaying empirical and unbiased evidence to give reason to your beliefs and actions, I see you making insults based solely on prejudice and other forms of simple-minded heuristics.

Notwithstanding, I have a responsibility to lend an open ear to everyone, regardless of how inexplicably challenging it is to listen to them. I can only pray to God that people can bring themselves, in time, to the point of mere intellectual competency.

And why does this frustrate me so much? Because I cannot even obtain someone’s dissenting views, as they are too preoccupied with wanting to attack me. It’s seriously like dealing with children; they don’t have the mental capacity to hold a discussion without needing to squeeze their ego and feelings into the conversation.

I want to hear a constructive, informative description of your perspective. That’s all. I am asking for you to do the one thing you love to do most: talk about yourself. But, for the love of God, don’t give in to the childish impulse of throwing insults at me that deter meaningful inquiry. I am already being generous enough by trying to obtain a point of view that disagrees with my own. I don’t have my own views supported from hearing that. Yet, I still do it, because I know that thoughtful reasoning requires more than just one dominant perspective on a subject. So please—do me the favor of not needlessly interjecting with an insult.

It disappoints me that I live among a generation of people who cannot read past one paragraph without exclaiming, “It’s too much.”

There is genuinely no experience more frustrating than being completely unable to communicate with someone because their brain just shuts off after, “guh, information overload, I’m used to using Chat GPT to summarize everything but I can’t here.”

People need to incorporate active, critical reading more frequently in their lives.

Vent over.
