What are your thoughts on time? I’m using this question as a stand-in for an infinite amount of questions, which is why I’m going for vagueness here, so you can choose what you find most important about time. But its vagueness might leave you confused on how to start, and if it does, here’s some ones that I particularly want to hear about:

  • Do you feel like you have enough of it?

  • Do you feel like you had enough of it in the past?

  • Do you think you’ve been using it well?

  • Do you think you used it better in the past?

  • What, to you, does “using time well” even look like?

  • Do you think time is generally on your side, against you, or neutral?

  • Do you think time has switched sides in any specific circumstance?

  • When do you consciously think about time?

  • When you think about time (if you do), what specifically is it that you think about?

  • Do you find yourself liking time, hating it, or being indifferent about it?

That’s just what I think I would find the most interesting, if you can think of anything else about time you’d like to say (experiences, advice, etc.), feel free to say it, I’ll still probably find it at least a little interesting.

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I know I’ve lived much more than most people my age, but I often feel it isn’t enough.

I’m an ambitious person, and the idea of living in mediocrity scares me. I try to spend my time however best forwards the mission, but with clarity on ambitious paths being scarce, no task ever feels optimal. We must accept perfection as a myth and be content with the best idea we’ve got sometimes. Something is better than nothing; working towards what is good yields more than pondering what might be better.

Aging is weird.

To feel young, I try to look ahead more than behind; I focus on the future and how things can change rather than reminisce on my past adventures and how things could’ve been different.

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