the forumer’s dictionary

helpful phrases we have to use because scratch’s policies are kind of dumb and also because why not

the external service or the purple app = discord

tolors = the official list of rejected suggestions

at = advanced topics

browser extensions = scratch addons

that social media thing that scratcher made = either referring to meower or neither of which you’re supposed to mention on scratch

* = someone tried to say a bad word on the forums and the filter got rid of it

tfh = the forum helpers

tfh sa = the forum helpers special actions

the support convention = a means of approving or disapproving of suggestions. it’s kind of controversial and not recommended by most longtime forumers

ocular = a great website that lets you search up forum posts and set statuses.

dupe = everyone keeps spamming this on the forums. i don’t get it, what’s the big deal!?!??!?

scratchdb = that thing that people like to yell about because of its frequent downtimes

cubeupload = that thing that people like to yell about because of its frequent downtimes

necropost = when you post on a dead topic so you can say something funny (generally regarded as bad)

contact us = the thing people say to use when they can’t help with something

bbcode = markdown but better

evil kumquats = it’s a long story

mineral fish = also a long story

tbgs = text based games forums, which are like discuss scratch but it’s more fun and dead

siggy = used to host evil kumquat jokes

Mar 31, 2024, 12:00 AM
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