trying to decipher @bipha rn


i’m gonna start using caps for ciphertext and lowercase for plaintext in this thread

“mwdqo5“ this. is. huge.

if you’re wondering it was equally as easy back when it was in the TBGs

lmao. i should go on there at somepoint (can’t rn bc i’m at school)

make sure to click in the top left corner > look and layout > current theme > change, find a theme that looks cool, select a variant if it has one, and click “use this theme” (i use metro2 green)

i think ciphertext <Q> is plaintext <I>, and ciphertext <P> is plaintext <M>

might be convenient to organize this for quick reference

plaintext:  abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
ciphertext: ????????q???p?????????????

yeah, next q’p checking for a letter that only appears as the first half of a bigram