I need school byp@ss websites

I also need one that works with discord

May 6, 2024, 1:40 PM
8 0 18

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this is more of a technical exploit than a site but i still think it’s worth sharing

to set up:

  1. right-click the bookmark bar and add a bookmark with the text javascript:onbeforeunload=i=>1 , i will be referring to it as “unb10ck“, but you can name it whatever you want.

  2. in the same manner, create a bookmark with the text javascript:open('https://discord.com/app?%27+%27i%27.repeat(16380)) , i will be referring to it as “d1sc0rd“, but again, you can name it however you want.

(in either case however, do not simply paste the text into the url bar, hit enter to get to the page, and click the star icon, this will not work)

if you have a lot of bookmarks, make sure that the unb10ck bookmark is on the main bookmark bar, and near the beginning, as you will need to spam-click it

to use:

open the d1sc0rd bookmark, and spam-click the unb10ck bookmark

whenever you click on a different server or channel, you have to spam-click unb10ck again

my school blocked bookmarklets lol

erm w0w 0uch what the 1n the actual sk1b1d1 heck1ng fl1p

does not work

honestly not surprised

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