CREATED AT 26845.613

I'm a little worried about something I just did. Let me explain what
just happened.

One of the creatures seems to have some sort of actual sympathy for
me, and unlike the others, has figured out that they can't satisfy me
by asking what I want from them. They were also physically different;
all the other creatures have cold skin, whereas this creature had very
warm skin. When they heard me remark about this, they generously
curled themselves around me, wreathing me in their full warmth. It was
the most comforting thing I have felt in all my time trapped in this

But then another creature came. I recognized them as the voice that
most often asked me if they could do things for me (and then refusing
to do as I requested.) They said something along the lines of "you
don't need to be free to be happy". When they said that, I just
snapped. I leapt away from the warm creature, yelled at both of them,
and ran.

I admit, I wasn't in my right mind when I did that. But they don't
know that. That warmth was such a pleasant feeling. But I definitely
hurt the warm creature when I snapped. I'll never feel their warm skin
again. I'll be trapped in this dark, cold place forever, with the only
possible source of comfort gone.

I probably deserve it.

- But There’s Exceptionally Little Peace Inside This Place
