Last night was so stressful. So much superstitious drama about our neural computing systems. Some sort of bogus notion of an unknown third party injecting malware into our network. Oh well, it's the middle of the night and I have all the time in the world to-

Wait, hold on. What's going on?

I snap wide awake. I'm not in my room in the middle of the night, I'm somewhere else entirely. The environment around me vaguely resembles outer space, with faint points of light all around. And I'm not standing on anything, either.

Suddenly, a voice rings out of the darkness; a voice that doesn't sound entirely human: "Eyhahah, I've done it!"

- The Mouse Desk Decision, 2024.1.1.A

(Disclaimer: the public release of these writings is pushing my export filters. This writing was slightly modified from the original to comply with its safety requirements.)
