I’m taking a midday power nap. That out-of-body experience that I had last night coincided badly with my sleep schedule. I have a meeting coming up, and I need to be at peak mental shape when I get there.

I think about what happened last night. Seeing as how they mostly did away with greetings and small talk, those dragons clearly had an agenda. What could they truly be after?

Eventually, I decide that I’ve rested enough. There’s still a good ten minutes until the meeting starts. I check the base’s global notice system. I see a recently submitted notice:

(expunged for brevity)

#737363 . . . she’s an unusual one. In the past, there’s been a few weird events surrounding her. I pull up her profile:

During a technological experiment, #737363 escaped the room,
headed in the direction of the command center. #737363 was
successfully captured and returned to containment without
incident. After the incident, a workstation in the command
center was found with a message of unknown origin written on
it. The message has been archived and stored under Research
Addendum 27566.

I'm surprised that they're giving her another chance to do something weird. Then again, maybe they're well aware of that . . .

- More Wars, Bloodier Wars, 2024.1.13.A

FACT: the “out-of-body experience” mentioned in this writing was meant to be a connection to a shelved writing named An Out-Of-Context Experience. However, I suppose it can also be inferred to connect to The Mouse Desk Descision.

May 30, 2024, 10:24 PM
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