62847.392 - PUBLIC
[*648] to Local Group

[*648]: I finished transliterating that monologue you found. Take a look at this.

This place is frightening. It's perfectly still, but I don't know
anything about it. I don't remember how or when I just stopped being
a human and turned into a wingless dragon. I don't even remember how
I got here. I've only just gotten the chance to rest for once.

I'm not entirely sure what to make of those creatures that live in
this place. I can't understand what they're trying to say to me, if
they're making an effort to communicate at all. They don't seem to
trust me, and I don't know if I can trust them, either.

Right now, I'm trapped in a box, cage, or some sort of dark cubicle.
I can't see past the walls of the enclosure, and it's completely
silent. I don't know how long I've been in here for. With no means
by which to chart the flow of time, it almost feels like it's
stopped entirely.

It's completely peaceful in here, but I'm far from calm on the inside.
I'm frightened. I'm neglected. I'm bored. I'm lonely.

Even if those creatures can't communicate with me, I'd still like to
interact with them somehow. They're the only other living things in
this place. I just hope that they're more caring than they've shown
themselves to be so far.

Who do I trust in this place?

- The Air Is Exceptionally Still…, 2024.2.20.A
