Meanwhile, [*974] was still at it, knocking down [*276]‘s arguments one by one. “Third argument,” she said. “If [*738] has no skill in his role, that’s our fault. As the only ones who know how to use our powers, it’s our responsibility to teach [*738] how to use his.”

For the first time in the meeting, [*276] came up with something that sounded like a counter-argument. “We can’t teach him how to use his powers if we don’t know what his powers are!” he said. “And even if we did, who would have the time to do it?”

“I have the time,” [*974] said. “And I would love to do it.”

“And I believe that I have an idea of what his powers are.” [*724] added. “He gave me a notion of intuition. He told me something about one of you, something that he could not have known without preexisting knowledge. He may be some some sort of-”

[*276] gave a ferocious growl. Strike three. All of his points struck down. Nobody on his side. His collimated wrath started to condense in him. In a fit of rage, he brought himself level with [*724], curled his claws and yelled, “Well, you won’t have to worry about wasting time teaching that creature to use its powers in a minute!” He lunged at [*738]’s head.

[*738], [*724], [*974] and [*648] all screamed and froze in fear.

- [*738]’s Judgement Day, 2023.12.27.C

(I feel like I should say something to clarify that this writing isn’t meant to be dark. [*276] and [*974] aren’t necessarily enemies, but [*276] is known to be very cynical with his opinions.)
