CREATED AT 26846.244

I can't stop dwelling on what I did . . . yesterday? When you can't
see, you have trouble knowing when you're asleep. Not to mention that
I don't know how time is charted in this place, if it's charted at
all. With that out of the way, I think I fell asleep.

I got woken up by the same voice as always, asking if they could do
anything for me. Because of this, I woke up in a bad mood. I told them
to get lost, and I didn't hear back from them.

In hindsight, I wish I had said something different. Not saying
something nicer in response to being pestered; I have no respect for
them. I want the warm-skinned creature to know that I didn't mean to
snap at them. I want to be with them again. They . . . were the only
one I felt any sort of comfort around.

But do I really deserve their respect? I doubtlessly hurt them. They
won't be willing to forgive me for anything that I did. Like I said
earlier, I've doomed myself to the worst possible disposition of this
place. A fate that I deserve.

- But There’s Exceptionally Little Peace Inside This Place
