Icelandic Waters: “I fed Slovsko a stick of butter; he's a combat frigate now.”

The [**276], whom the [**724] seemed to be speaking of, lowered his head, charged at me, stopped a few feet shot of me, and stared daggers at me. "You!", he snapped. "You know what you did to the dragons!"

"Cool it, [*276]," the [**974] said. "You haven't interrogated him yet. Give him a chance to show his side of the story before yelling at him."

Without lifting his furious glare from me, the [**276] - who I'm assuming is the one named [*276] - responded, "That dragon was very clear in his report. We already know who we're dealing with here. And you have no say in how I choose to-"

"Listen to her," the [**724] said. "I set [*648] on this task to hear the humans' side of the story, not to have you torture them." She narrowed her eyes slightly and added, "In fact, given the methods that you have used to extract this information," - she further narrowed her eyes - "I believe that it would be suitable let [*974] undertake this task in your place."

[*276] snarled at this passive-aggressive remark, but lifted his aggravated gaze from me and turned away.

- The Mouse Desk Descision

Jun 4, 2024, 5:16 PM
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