Advertisements on the Internet

  • AD+++ If I want to look at reliable information, I'd rather look at a promo brochure.

  • AD++ The thing I hate on the Internet is that there's still not much ads floating around. Where are them? Can't they see the potential?

  • AD+ If anything, I can't figure out why people hate ads so much.

  • AD I'm okay with the current amount of ads on the Internet.

  • AD- I take proper precautions when handling ads on the Internet.

  • AD-- I wouldn't even touch the Internet without putting on an adblocker. These buggers are all over the Internet and I hate it with a passion.

  • AD--- I want those greedy ad providers taken down. They deserve to get Stuxnet'd.

(I’ve made something like this before, how about another one?)


I’m ad++++++++

Personally, I'm AD--