The newest update to No Man's Sky, Worlds I, hasn’t come to the Switch yet, which is understandable. This has given me a chance to strategically prepare what to bring on the combat-oriented Liquidators community expedition that launched alongside it. The plans will be finalized when the patch comes, but here’s what I have so far:

Exosuit shield upgrade x3
Pulse Spitter upgrade x2
Scatter Blaster upgrade x2
Polyphonic Core package
Repair Kit x20 (ditto)
Ion Battery (charging hazard protection tech)
Starshield Battery (charging starship shields)
Condensed Carbon (charging mining laser and portable tech)
Sentinel Boundary Map (harvesting Sentinel tech)
Void Mote (Autophage currency)
Projectile Ammunition x9,999 (ditto)
Unstable Plasma (ammunition for explosive weaponry)
Chromatic Metal (crafting and refining)
Ionized Cobalt (crafting and refining)
Salvaged Data x60 (construction research)
Runaway Mold x19,988 (refines into 4000 nanites)
Stasis Device x10 (sells for about 160,000,000 units)
Atlantideum (charging the Polyphonic Core)
Sodium (crafting, refining and recharging)
Ferrite Dust (crafting and construction)
