Here's a message for you to attempt to decode. It’s technically a substitution cipher, but I’ve tightened the non-procedural elements for my purposes. There's a 72-character message encoded in there, but there’s also a single-word secondary message, encoded in binary, written between the lines…

FEAR :: 10 09 05 22
FEAR :: 43 42 39 30
FEAR :: 61 60 56 73
FEAR :: 84 83 79 96

32 62 60 73 56 71 32 33 73 43 72 61 32 46 43 64
73 58 70 30 30 33 71 75 64 27 69 47 31 57 43 54
70 69 59 35 70 30 59 31 78 63 39 75 59 64 59 68
37 40 73 60 32 46 30 60 52 59 70 75 70 42 43 47
60 73 77 43 75 46 13 23
