hi i am a transfem person thing

US High school student, AP Astronomy, AP Geometry. I'm interested in topics relating to mathematics, space, physics, biology, Philosophy, computer science, and politics.




you can message me on wasteof, darflen, or at

[email protected]


I don’t know how i feel about meower shutting down. on one hand, like, that site (along with scratch) kind of raised me when my parents didnt want to, so i will never not feel sad about it, but on the other hand, the community was going to shit, there were bad things happening on it, and it was just generally not a good place to be anymore. the whole Delusions + logan situation ruined the entire site for me, i havent felt the same about it since.

Aug 27, 2024, 2:40 AM
3 0 5

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lol sorry but it’s actually donzerly light

dont you love it when someone incorrectly corrects you

‘donzerly’ isn’t a word. the lyric is “Dawn’s Early”

fucking dumbass/j

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