All black, everything, everything

All black, everything, everything

All black, everything, everything

All black, everything, everything, black


I wonder why all of your levels have no custom spritework on them

Do you not know how to make one or are you just not feeling like making one

I don't know how to put together the sprite sheets and JSON structure for decorations and characters, and it wouldn't be worth my time anyways. Even if I did, I wouldn't be able to make sprites that cohere to the art style. It's much easier just to substitute.

And even if I could do all that, I would still substitute the characters in the OI levels.

FYI (if you ever want to make one), the JSON file looks like this:

"name": "image",
"size": [64, 64],
"clips": [
    { "name": "neutral", "frames": [0], "loop": "no", "fps": 0 },
    { "name": "happy", "frames": [1], "loop": "no", "fps": 0 },
    { "name": "barely", "frames": [2], "loop": "no", "fps": 0 },
    { "name": "missed", "frames": [3], "loop": "no", "fps": 0 }

This file is accompanied with image.png, which is the sprite sheet. It has to be arranged vertically (not horizontal)

I’ve made a sample sprite here: