Today’s daily verse: Matthew 7:24. (Sorry for not posting much recently) This verse states how important and lifechanging reading God’s Word and applying it to your life is. Jesus in this verse compares reading/hearing His words (the Bible) and applying what you read to your life with a wise man who builds his house on a rock, where it won’t be washed away when the waves come.
The waves represent the worldly desires, temptations, etc. When they come, we want our house (which is our heart) to not built on the sand, where it will wash away (be caught up in the worldly pleasures and lead us away from God) but for it to be built up high, on a rock, where we will be safe from the waves.
Reading and applying scripture to our lives helps us get closer to God and to not give in to temptations from the devil and to be caught up in the worldly pleasures.