

I haven’t been on Wasteof for 6 months (T_T)

Gay sex

I’m dressed so gay today

Wouldn’t it be funny if two users on the explore page had beef

Sorry I’ve been inactive, I was busy -v-

Peter griffin

Oh wow you can repost!

Anyway I’ve but a better lock on my phone and do not want to find out who Reggie is.

My brother took my phone for 4 hours while I was playing with my friends, what the heck did he post D:

My brother took my phone for 4 hours while I was playing with my friends, what the heck did he post D:

Hi! My name is Reggie /ref

What if I-


I love the 80s vaporwave style! It looks beautiful..

Jan 6, 2023, 7:51 AM
3 0 0

Hey guys! How were your days ^^

What is everyone’s favourite Pokémon? Id day vaporeon but I don’t know if you guys do the thing here

Just discovered the banner!

How do you get followers on here?

Hi guys! I’m new to this site, what’s the people on here like?