
im a time traveler yay

hi i’m a time traveler from 2040, there’s a project being started by a multibillionaire (you don’t want to know who) to create a new continent for no reason

for some reason this is the place where people are protesting this decision, so i’m just checking how it was before people flooded this site with pure hate (it gets tiring to read after a while)

today i opened a window

not the bottom of the ocean but yes

does anyone else ever just have the urge to be a sick-ass abyssal horror and just vibe at the bottom of the ocean

yes i have

For some reason ads have turned into a black screen with only audio, so I have things like this Lucidchart ad:

Have you ever needed to turn this

into this?


you will remember this post when you see a stop sign

aren’t mental posts just the best

who is the most huggable person on wasteof

not sure if the right people are following me but i’ll do it anyway

If you're willing to, please repost this. I want to get everyone's opinion, and a lot of people don't follow me.

What are my biggest strengths and weaknesses? I know what I think they are, but I'd like an outside perspective

as of september 7 2040 somewhere there’s a recording of me saying “pashed motato“ and then laughing at it for 5 minutes

who is the most huggable person on wasteof

🧮 my calculations suggest that i don’t know how to use an abacus

etheric poopsie Gershon intolerancy dandisette absolutize dmod acrophonetic bendingly Pitsburg tubmen fiscality appestat spreadable catastrophist permutability vintry pliosaur nitriles narwhalian firm-paced doubleted sulphureted congos bowerly commingler protogod soft-pated vareuse Overpeck besonnet ceratothecal yttrotantalite lofted scrog outdoorsman unseceded nonanimation billiard Rochette umpirism unseparately photosensitizes potshot racings morphographist doveweed flummox medioccipital Pachomian stunners overaffirmatively whup decoy-duck madhab synrhabdosome bowle overmoccasin lanosities untautological cyanize lags beliefful psychopathies neurotoxicities Thistle lowdowns nonachievement kilobyte oxytylote foresail laryngocele chemicocautery terre-verte mise-en-scene cremona encumberment protophyll biparted Lotz koali subindicative agathist cinnamonwood yeastily communaliser trant Neses spirable tradesmanwise Averyl banksides diereses antitoxine UIT underpeopled staggarth oscillographies Fortisan semipolitical

math and science are blue, history is red, english is green

yellow sucks

Jun 3, 2023, 11:00 AM
3 0 1

who’s @immark or @immark_v2 my feed is too covered in subjects and colors for me to read anything

ticking off dead. At this but it contains a dream is now a break down so bored/have no stats website blocking softwares, mine once in the moral support #verifyee, they were sitting on an instance one is mid album soon - Like next day of catppuccin as many to mh.oow oww oooow AHHHHHH BIG NOSY CAm CACA ok with luna <3 on downhill for my last year old and it is! two new banner to wasteof3?

i can’t believe i took rotated text formatting for granted