
Battle for Europe

Game Features:

Civil Wars:

-Each Sunday a randomizer has a 1/15 chance for a civil war to happen in a random country.

-While a country is at war, there is a 1/20 chance that a civil war happens in their country every day.

Controlled Straits:

Controlled straits are specific geographic locations. By controlling these straits, you may block off other countries from using these straits. Straits are:

-Bosphorus Strait. Controlled by the Hellenic Kingdom.

-Strait of Gibraltar. Controlled by the Pirate Kingdom of Carthage.

-Suez Canal. Controlled by the Hellenic Kingdom.

-Denmark Strait. Controlled by the Kingdom of Ivor

-Strait of Yemen. Controlled by Kingdom of Saxony


-For the cost of 20,000 manpower each. A general is completely randomized and can either give a hefty multiplication bonus to your army in offense and defense. A generals ranging bonuses are between 1x and 1.5x. Meaning, if your general had a defense bonus of 1.5x, a defending battalion of 100 troops could take on a battalion of 150 enemy troops, contrary to that, if your general has a decrease bonus of just 1x, a defending battalion of 100 troops would be equal to an enemy battalion of 100 troops. You cannot reroll generals, a general has a 1/15 chance of dying per day.


-The “Patriotic Act” policy allows countries that have lost 45%+ of their troops in a war to gain 10,000 troops per day for 3 days. This policy may only be put into place within 3 days of being in a war.

Jan 8, 2024, 9:58 PM
5 0 0
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Extremely busy with school, I apologize.


Territorial Changes:


Owners Note:

Kingdom of Scarvania expands more cause I forgot to expand them since last time.


Important Events:

-Kingdom of Saxony and Libertalis Imperium form an alliance known as “The Bro’s”

Territorial Changes:



Territorial Changes:


apologies for late post


Territorial Changes:


I apologize for not posting yesterday and today, was extremely busy and had a concert. B4EU will resume tomorrow.


Territorial Changes:



Territorial Changes:



Important Events:

-Three new countries have joined B4EU (so far unnamed) in Northern Libya, Western Liberia and Southern Ethiopia.

-Kingdom of Saxony uses their “10k+ mile” from Christmas to conquer more ground in the Middle East.

New Feature:

-Rivers. Rivers such as the Volga and Nile have been added to the game, with rivers you are able to travers through land easier (as long as all countries owning said parts allow). All provinces with river access:


Territorial Changes:

Jan 11, 2024, 12:10 AM
5 0 15


Important Events:

-Holy Hellenic Empire becomes Byzantium Imperium.

-Kingdom of Saxony now controls the Strait of Yemen.

Territorial Changes:

Jan 10, 2024, 4:59 AM
4 0 8

Game Features:

Civil Wars:

-Each Sunday a randomizer has a 1/15 chance for a civil war to happen in a random country.

-While a country is at war, there is a 1/20 chance that a civil war happens in their country every day.

Controlled Straits:

Controlled straits are specific geographic locations. By controlling these straits, you may block off other countries from using these straits. Straits are:

-Bosphorus Strait. Controlled by the Hellenic Kingdom.

-Strait of Gibraltar. Controlled by the Pirate Kingdom of Carthage.

-Suez Canal. Controlled by the Hellenic Kingdom.

-Denmark Strait. Controlled by the Kingdom of Ivor

-Strait of Yemen. Controlled by Kingdom of Saxony


-For the cost of 20,000 manpower each. A general is completely randomized and can either give a hefty multiplication bonus to your army in offense and defense. A generals ranging bonuses are between 1x and 1.5x. Meaning, if your general had a defense bonus of 1.5x, a defending battalion of 100 troops could take on a battalion of 150 enemy troops, contrary to that, if your general has a decrease bonus of just 1x, a defending battalion of 100 troops would be equal to an enemy battalion of 100 troops. You cannot reroll generals, a general has a 1/15 chance of dying per day.


-The “Patriotic Act” policy allows countries that have lost 45%+ of their troops in a war to gain 10,000 troops per day for 3 days. This policy may only be put into place within 3 days of being in a war.

Jan 8, 2024, 9:58 PM
5 0 0


Important Events:

-City-state of Rome becomes Kingdom of Italy.

-The Holy Roman-Carthaginian war has concluded, leading to the victory of the Holy Roman Empire Pact. the Pirate Kingdom of Carthage has now become a puppet of both the Hellenic Kingdom and the Kingdom of Italy, offering half of its troops whenever needed.

-Two new countries have been created, being the Republic of Kartonia, situated in modern day Russia, as well as the Khanate of Nunia Busynys, situated in modern day Kenya. Both countries will start of with 45,000 troops. It is not allowed to invade these lands for the next 5 days.

New Feature:

-A new policy has been created. The “Patriotic Act” policy allows countries that have lost 45%+ of their troops in a war to gain 10,000 troops per day for 3 days. This policy may only be put into place within 3 days after a war.

Territorial Changes:



Game Changes:

-New Empire Slots: 10 new empire slots have been made for new players to join.

-Border Expansion: The world borders have been expanded to include: Africa, Mongolia, Central Asia and half of Siberia.

-Policy Changes:

All policies have been deleted. From now on when expanding you may either conquer one province at a time that is 30,000-75,000 miles, and lose 7,000 troops each time you do so. Or you may conquer multiple provinces that total to 30,000 miles total and gain 3,000 troops.

-Major War Changes: A new feature has been added to help wars become more strategic as well as more balanced. Feature is:

  1. Generals, for the cost of 20,000 manpower each. A general is completely randomized and can either give a hefty multiplication bonus to your army in offesne and defense. A generals ranging bonuses are between 1x and 1.5x. Meaning, if your general had a defense bonus of 1.5x, a defending battalion of 100 troops could take on a battalion of 150 enemy troops, contrary to that, if your general has a decrease bonus of just 1x, a defending battalion of 100 troops would be equal to an enemy battalion of 100 troops. You cannot reroll generals, a general has a 1/15 chance of dying per day.

New Borders:



Important Events:

-Pirate Kingdom of Carthage conquers Iberian Union.

-City-state of Rome conquers Sicilian-Scotland.

-The Iberian Union and Sicilian-Scotland have collapsed! (Sicilian-Scotland still has some troops in Morocco so I suppose they can still be in the game)

-’The Holy Roman Empire Pact’ fully takes place, the City-State of Rome as well as the Hellenic Kingdom have both gone to war against the Pirate Kingdom of Carthage, quickly taking over its undefeated lands. The Holy Roman Empire Pact will offer most land back to Sicilian-Scotland on the condition that Sicilian-Scotland becomes a puppet state to The Holy Roman Empire Pact. Puppet State conditions:

  1. The Holy Roman Empire Pact demands troop aid if at war.

  2. The Holy Roman Empire Pact allows further expansion to puppet states.

Creator Note:

What type of changes would you like to see in B4EU to make everything more strategic?

Territorial Changes:

Jan 6, 2024, 4:50 AM
4 0 7


Important Events:

-City-state of Rome has invaded Sicilian Scotland, swiftly taking over the unarmed land.

-Sicilian-Scotland invades Morocco.

-Pirate Kingdom of Carthage nearly conquers the Iberian Union.

Territorial Changes:

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