
Battle for Europe

Game Features:

Civil Wars:

-Each Sunday a randomizer has a 1/15 chance for a civil war to happen in a random country.

-While a country is at war, there is a 1/20 chance that a civil war happens in their country every day.

Controlled Straits:

Controlled straits are specific geographic locations. By controlling these straits, you may block off other countries from using these straits. Straits are:

-Bosphorus Strait. Controlled by the Hellenic Kingdom.

-Strait of Gibraltar. Controlled by the Pirate Kingdom of Carthage.

-Suez Canal. Controlled by the Hellenic Kingdom.

-Denmark Strait. Controlled by the Kingdom of Ivor

-Strait of Yemen. Controlled by Kingdom of Saxony


-For the cost of 20,000 manpower each. A general is completely randomized and can either give a hefty multiplication bonus to your army in offense and defense. A generals ranging bonuses are between 1x and 1.5x. Meaning, if your general had a defense bonus of 1.5x, a defending battalion of 100 troops could take on a battalion of 150 enemy troops, contrary to that, if your general has a decrease bonus of just 1x, a defending battalion of 100 troops would be equal to an enemy battalion of 100 troops. You cannot reroll generals, a general has a 1/15 chance of dying per day.


-The “Patriotic Act” policy allows countries that have lost 45%+ of their troops in a war to gain 10,000 troops per day for 3 days. This policy may only be put into place within 3 days of being in a war.

Jan 8, 2024, 9:58 PM
5 0 0

Creator Note:

I apologize, but the game will be paused until the 2nd or 3rd of this month, due to a family camping trip. Hopefully everyone has had an amazing new years.


Important Events:

-Sicilian-Scotland sends half of its troops for support to Iberian Union

-Pirate Kingdom of Carthage sends all troops through Iberian land, speedily taking over.

Creator Note:

I am back from my week break, resuming the game, please notify me if you would like to use the “+10k Mile Ticket” and where. Hopefully you all had a great Christmas and will have a Happy New Year.



Important Events:

-Sicilian-Scotland pushes out Saxony, loosing a hefty amount of troops in the process.

-Iberian Union chooses the Militaristic policy.

Territorial Changes:

  • Kingdom of Ivor expands through Scandanavia.

  • Republic of Krasnodar expands through Iran.

  • Muscovy expands westward.

  • Hellenic Kingdom continues into Turkiye

  • City-state of Rome expands into France.

  • Sicilian Scotland pushes out Sicilian-Scotland.

Creator Note:

This upcoming week (starting the 25th) I will be pausing the game as I will be at camp. The game will resume either the 29th or 30th, as a little Christmas present, I will give everyone a one time use additional “+10k Mile Expand Ticket” that you may use at any moment. I wish everyone a merry Christmas and happy New Years!



Important Events:

-City-state of Lisbon forms the Iberian Union.

-Sicilian-Scotland allies with the Iberian Union.

-Sicilian-Scotland chooses the Militaristic policy.

-Pirate Kingdom of Carthage declares war on Iberian Union!

Territorial Changes:

  • Iberian Union expands into western France.

  • Pirate Kingdom of Carthage launches an attack on the east side of the Iberian Union.

  • Kingdom of Ivor expands deep into Sweden.

  • Republic of Krasnodar expands further into Iran.

  • Muscovy expands north.

  • Hellenic Kingdom expands further into Turkiye.

  • City-state of Rome expands into France.

  • Sicilian Scotland organizes troops.

  • Kingdom of Saxony organizes troops.



New Feature:

-The defending side during a war gets two bonus’s, being:

  1. Defender provinces bordering occupied land may occasionally experience a boost in troops, ranging from +10% - +30%.

  2. After the defender's population has reached half that of what it had at the start of the war, they will receive a daily boost of 5% its current troops until it has reached +10k troop.

    -During wartime all countries at war cannot conquer any land (other than enemy land).

Important Events:

-City-state of Rome chooses the Populistic policy.

-Kingdom of Saxony has declared war on Sicilian-Scotland! Conquering several small provinces.

Territorial Changes:

  • City-state of Lisbon into southern France.

  • Pirate Kingdom of Carthage continues deep into the Sahara.

  • Kingdom of Ivor expands deep into Sweden.

  • Republic of Krasnodar expands into Iran.

  • Muscovy expands through western Ukraine.

  • Hellenic Kingdom expands through Turkiye.

  • City-state of Rome expands into France.

  • Sicilian Scotland conquers Ireland and Brittany.

  • Kingdom of Saxony expands westward.

Dec 23, 2023, 2:22 AM
4 0 9


Territorial Changes:

  • City-state of Lisbon expands south.

  • Pirate Kingdom of Carthage continues deep into the Sahara.

  • Kingdom of Ivor expands deep into Finland.

  • Republic of Krasnodar conquers the enclave in the Caucuses.

  • Muscovy expands through western Ukraine.

  • Hellenic Kingdom expands into Bulgaria.

  • City-state of Rome expands into France.

  • Sicilian Scotland nearly conquers Ireland.

  • Kingdom of Saxony expands north west, gaining sea access.

For some reason IMGBB is not working, until then I’ll post this link: http://tinyurl.com/5n77u663


Important Events:

-City-state of Lisbon chooses the Extreme Expandism policy.

Territorial Changes:

  • City-state of Lisbon expands south.

  • Pirate Kingdom of Carthage continues deep into the Sahara.

  • Kingdom of Ivor expands into Scandanavia.

  • Republic of Krasnodar founds Black-Sea colonies.

  • Muscovy expands west.

  • Hellenic Kingdom expands in Egypt.

  • City-state of Rome expands into France.

  • Sicilian Scotland conquers the UK and expands into Ireland.

  • Kingdom of Saxony expands north west.



Important Events:

-Edited policies slightly to speed up game.

-You can now change your policy twice a week (changing it a certain amount of times can cause civil unrest).

-Republic of Krasnodar cedes its colonies in Egypt and Cyprus, as well as some land in Anatolia, for full access to the Mediterranean & Red Sea from the Holy Hellenic Empire.

-Changed land gain since we’re at the stage of big provinces (check all policies).

-Not counting empire sizes as there’s no need now.

Territorial Changes:

  • City-state of Lisbon does not expand.

  • Pirate Kingdom of Carthage continues deep into Tunisia.

  • Kingdom of Ivor nearly cuts of Muscovy from sea-access.

  • Republic of Krasnodar founds two new colonies.

  • Muscovy expands north.

  • Hellenic Kingdom expands in Anatolia as well as in the Balkans.

  • City-state of Rome conquers Belgium.

  • Sicilian Scotland nearly conquers all of the UK.

  • Kingdom of Saxony expands north west.

Dec 19, 2023, 11:42 PM
5 0 3


Important Event:

With the complete conquest of the Holy Land, the Hellenic Kingdom forms the Holy Hellenic Empire.

New Feature:

Added a new policy:

Extreme Expandist. With this policy in place, your max land gain a day will be brought up to 40,000, but you will lose 4,000 troops a day.. This policy can be put in place at any time.

Territorial Changes:

  • City-state of Lisbon expands around the Iberian Peninsula.

  • Pirate Kingdom of Carthage expands deep into Morocco.

  • Kingdom of Ivor chooses expands around the Baltic Sea.

  • Republic of Krasnodar expands east.

  • Muscovy expands north west.

  • Hellenic Kingdom expands in the Middle East as well as in the Balkans.

  • City-state of Rome expands into Austria.

  • Sicilian Scotland expands South.

  • Kingdom of Saxony expands north west.

Dec 19, 2023, 2:31 AM
4 0 6


Important Events:

-You will no longer gain population based off of the amount of land you take, and will now gain population by whichever policy you have put into place.

Territorial Changes:

  • City-state of Lisbon chooses the Expandist policy.

  • Pirate Kingdom of Carthage chooses the Militarism policy.

  • Kingdom of Ivor chooses the Expandist policy.

  • Republic of Krasnodar chooses the Expandist policy.

  • Muscovy chooses the Expandist policy.

  • Hellenic Kingdom chooses the Militaristic policy.

  • City-state of Rome chooses the Militaristic policy.

  • Sicilian Scotland chooses the Expandist policy.

  • Kingdom of Saxony chooses the Populistic policy..

Dec 18, 2023, 4:44 AM
5 0 1


New Feature:

-Civil Wars: I have decided to add civil wars to B4EU. Each week there is a 1/10 chance of a civil war breaking out. Countries that are at war have a higher chance of falling victim to a civil war, especially countries with the “One Banner Policy”.

Important Events:

-Sicilian Scotland has been formed.

Territorial Changes:

  • City-state of Lisbon expands westward.

  • Pirate Kingdom of Carthage continues to expand south, deep into Morocco.

  • Kingdom of Ivor expands towards deep into Scandinavia.

  • Republic of Krasnodar founds a colony in Egypt and Persia.

  • Muscovy expands North.

  • Hellenic Kingdom expands deeper into Anatolia, and gain control over the Suez Canal.

  • Rome conquers Switzerland.

  • Sicilian Scotland has been formed.

  • Kingdom of Saxony expands northwest.



New Feature:


Four new policies have been introduced, these policies will change the gameplay slightly, and can benefit you in certain situations. A policy can only be switched once a week, however the constant switching of policies can lead to a civil war. Policies will be split into two separate categories, Limited and Regular. Limited Policies: can only be put in place at certain times, whilst Regular Policies: can be put into action at any moment. (If you guys have any better name recommendations please send cause clearly im not good with these lol)

Regular Policies:

  1. Expandist. With this policy in place, your max land gain a day will be brought to 24,000, however you will gain 2,000 troops per day. This policy can be put in place at any time.

  2. Populistic. With this policy in place, your max land gain a day will be reduced to 21,000, but you will gain 3,000 troops per day. This policy can be put in place at any time.

  3. Militaristic. With this policy in place, your max land gain a day will be brought down to 18,000, however you will gain 4,000 troops per day This policy can be put in place at any time.

    Limited Policies:

    1. One Banner. This policy reinstates 1/2 of troops from a captured enemy province into your own military, however it doubles your chances of a civil in that region until 1 week after said war has concluded. Can only be put into place during wartime.

PS: Please let me know which policies you choose.

Dec 17, 2023, 12:35 AM
4 1 4


New Feature:


Four new policies have been introduced, these policies will change the gameplay slightly, and can benefit you in certain situations. A policy can only be switched once a week, however the constant switching of policies can lead to a civil war. Policies will be split into two separate categories, Limited and Regular. Limited Policies: can only be put in place at certain times, whilst Regular Policies: can be put into action at any moment. (If you guys have any better name recommendations please send cause clearly im not good with these lol)

Regular Policies:

  1. Expandist. With this policy in place, your max land gain a day will be brought to 24,000, however you will gain 2,000 troops per day. This policy can be put in place at any time.

  2. Populistic. With this policy in place, your max land gain a day will be reduced to 21,000, but you will gain 3,000 troops per day. This policy can be put in place at any time.

  3. Militaristic. With this policy in place, your max land gain a day will be brought down to 18,000, however you will gain 4,000 troops per day This policy can be put in place at any time.

    Limited Policies:

    1. One Banner. This policy reinstates 1/2 of troops from a captured enemy province into your own military, however it doubles your chances of a civil in that region until 1 week after said war has concluded. Can only be put into place during wartime.

PS: Please let me know which policies you choose.

Dec 17, 2023, 12:35 AM
4 1 4


Important Events:

-The Kingdom of Sicily has collapsed! After multiple months of war, peace negotiations, as well as the transfer of the Sicilian government has taken place, the Hellenic Kingdom suggests the transfer of the Sicilian people to Scotland (to form Sicilian Scotland).

-The Hellenic Kingdom only allows the transfer of troops through the Bosphorus Strait with permission and knowledge of where/what said troops will do.

-The Pirate Kingdom of Carthage only allows allied ships to pass through the Strait of Gibraltar.

Territorial Changes:

  • City-state of Lisbon expands westward.

  • Pirate Kingdom of Carthage expands south deep into Morocco.

  • Kingdom of Ivor expands northward.

  • Republic of Krasnodar conquers Dagestan and founds a colony in Azerbaijan.

  • Muscovy reaches the Black Sea.

  • Kingdom of Sparta expands further into Anatolia, and conquers southern Sicily.

  • Rome expands into southern Germany, and conquers north Sicily.

  • Kingdom of Sicily has collapsed!

  • Kingdom of Saxony expands northwest.



-Changed expanding rate to 20,000 miles a day.

Feature Removal:

-Removal of resource and trade, I have decided to remove resource and trade as it’s extremely hard to keep track of, resources will most likely return in b4eu2, when I have prepared the game a little bit better.

Important Events:

-City-state of Paris collapses!

-Hellenic Kingdom captures the entire south of mainland Italy.

Territorial Changes:

  • City-state of Lisbon expands westward.

  • Pirate Kingdom of Carthage expands along the Mediterranean.

  • Kingdom of Ivor expands northward.

  • Republic of Krasnodar founds two colonies, one on northern Cyprus, as well as one on the southern tip of the United Kingdom.

  • Muscovy expands southward

  • Kingdom of Sparta expands into Lebanon.

  • Rome expands into southern France.

  • Kingdom of Sicily expands into Croatia.

  • Kingdom of Saxony expands southwest.


Creator Log: Very sorry but I will not be able to put out today’s change log do to lack of responses + busy day