
Battle for Europe

Game Features:

Civil Wars:

-Each Sunday a randomizer has a 1/15 chance for a civil war to happen in a random country.

-While a country is at war, there is a 1/20 chance that a civil war happens in their country every day.

Controlled Straits:

Controlled straits are specific geographic locations. By controlling these straits, you may block off other countries from using these straits. Straits are:

-Bosphorus Strait. Controlled by the Hellenic Kingdom.

-Strait of Gibraltar. Controlled by the Pirate Kingdom of Carthage.

-Suez Canal. Controlled by the Hellenic Kingdom.

-Denmark Strait. Controlled by the Kingdom of Ivor

-Strait of Yemen. Controlled by Kingdom of Saxony


-For the cost of 20,000 manpower each. A general is completely randomized and can either give a hefty multiplication bonus to your army in offense and defense. A generals ranging bonuses are between 1x and 1.5x. Meaning, if your general had a defense bonus of 1.5x, a defending battalion of 100 troops could take on a battalion of 150 enemy troops, contrary to that, if your general has a decrease bonus of just 1x, a defending battalion of 100 troops would be equal to an enemy battalion of 100 troops. You cannot reroll generals, a general has a 1/15 chance of dying per day.


-The “Patriotic Act” policy allows countries that have lost 45%+ of their troops in a war to gain 10,000 troops per day for 3 days. This policy may only be put into place within 3 days of being in a war.

Jan 8, 2024, 9:58 PM
5 0 0
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Important Events:

-The Hellenic Kingdom sends a navy fleet in the strait of Messina, blocking troops from Sicily to be transported to mainland Italy, they have also attacked and stationed troops in Basilicata.

-City-state of Rome launches a surprise ambush on the Northern provinces of the Sicilian Empire, conquering most of the Sicilian land.

-Due to recent events in the Mediterranean, the Hellenic Kingdom and the City-state of Rome have decided to form a pact known as the ‘Holy Roman Empire pact’, the pact works as follows:

  1. Whenever one country is invaded, all members of this pact must send troops and aid to the invaded country.

  2. If a member plans on invading another country, it must first consult other members and ask if anyone would like to participate/send troops. Whatever is decided upon at this moment must be upheld by both sides at the end of the conquest.

Territorial Changes:

  • City-state of Lisbon expands westward.

  • Pirate Kingdom of Carthage expands along the Mediterranean.

  • Kingdom of Ivor founds colonies to the north of Norway, on Major Valuable land.

  • Republic of Krasnodar expands expands south-west, attempting to gain access to the Mediterranean.

  • Muscovy expands towards the south.

  • Kingdom of Sparta found a colony on Major Fertile land near Cairo.

  • Rome expands northward.

  • Kingdom of Sicily expands west-ward from its colony near Venice, to be met with Roman soldiers.

  • Kingdom of Saxony expands southwest.

Dec 14, 2023, 5:17 AM
4 0 4


New Feature:

- Trade and Resources!

We now have three new resources to trade, being: Valuables (precious metals), Fish & Crop. Each country automatically generates 0.5 of each resource, owning Mild Valuable/Fertile land (shown in image below) will add another 0.5 of said resource, and owning Major Valuable/Fertile land will add an additional 1 of said resource (So owning both mild and major land on top of the normal resource produce will allow you to generate 2 of said resource per day). With this, we have also added a currency, you can either pay in resources, or currency. you generate 5 coins per day however generate another 2 coins per 50,000 miles owned. For every 50,000 miles of land one owns they consume 0.5 of each resource, during wartime they consume an additional 0.5 (PS: Multiple mild areas of resource growth do not stack, however major areas of resource growth do stack).

PSS: Check replies for your country size, I will be posting updated country sizes in replies from now on.


Territorial Changes:

  • City-state of Lisbon expands northward.

  • Pirate Kingdom of Carthage dominates North Africa.

  • Kingdom of Ivor expands eastward.

  • Republic of Krasnodar expands conquers expands east-ward.

  • Muscovy expands south-ward.

  • Hellenic Kingdom founds colonies in south Anatolia.

  • Rome expands north-ward.

  • Kingdom of Sicily expands west from the Venetian colony.

  • Kingdom of Saxony expands towards the south-ward.

Dec 12, 2023, 11:09 PM
7 0 5


Important Events:

-Nerfed Muscovy size.

-Kingdom of Sparta forms Hellenic Kingdom

-Kingdom of Sparta joins in on Sicilian-Roman war completely neutrally, conquering the Sicilian occupied province of Calabria, the Hellenic Kingdom requests a form of peace, as well as a truce be made between Sicily and Rome. Rome agrees to peace as long as Malta is ceded from Sicily to Rome.

Territorial Changes:

  • City-state of Lisbon conquers the whole of Portugal.

  • Pirate Kingdom of Carthage expands along the Mediterranean

  • Kingdom of Ivor expands eastward.

  • Republic of Krasnodar expands expands south.

  • Muscovy expands towards the south.

  • Kingdom of Sparta forms the Hellenic Kingdom.

  • Rome expands northward.

  • Kingdom of Sicily forms a colony in the swamps of Venice.

  • Kingdom of Saxony expands southwest.

Dec 11, 2023, 10:48 PM
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Important Events:

Kingdom of Sicily declares war on the City-state of Rome (really didn’t expect a war to be declared so early on, I will have to think of battle mechanic, It will most likely be based off of population ( 1 acre of land = 1 manpower (probably)).

Territorial Changes:

  • City-state of Lisbon, founded.

  • City-state of Paris expands East.

  • Pirate Kingdom of Carthage conquers Gibraltar.

  • Kingdom of Ivor expands eastward.

  • Republic of Krasnodar expands conquers Crimea and expands south.

  • Muscovy expands towards the south.

  • Kingdom of Sparta reclaims Constantinople and conquers the North Aegean Sea.

  • Rome expands to the boot of Italy.

  • Kingdom of Sicily attacks Rome!

  • Kingdom of Saxony expands eastward.

Dec 11, 2023, 2:51 AM
3 0 9


New Feature:

Barbaric Tribes, areas infested with Barbarians (shown as a checkered pattern) will be slightly harder to conquer.

Territorial Changes:

  • City-state of Paris, founded.

  • Pirate Kingdom of Carthage expands south as well as to the island of Corsica.

  • Kingdom of Ivor expands eastward.

  • Republic of Krasnodar expands southward.

  • Muscovy expands towards the south-east.

  • Kingdom of Sparta claims Crete & South Aegean Sea.

  • Rome expands southward.

  • Kingdom of Sicily expands to mainland Italy.

  • Kingdom of Saxony expands south-eastward

Dec 10, 2023, 5:46 AM
3 0 2

Question: Should we add different perks for different nations based off of the culture/area of the nation?

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