
Battle for the U.S.

📌 Battle for the U.S.

Fight against your fellow wasteof users to gain a chunk of the United States. Make alliances, wage war, and capture territory. Full rules here: https://wasteof.money/posts/6578e185a73a6704e9e6a065

Made by @oren

Also, check out @b4eu and @b4ca. They’re pretty cool too.

Dec 14, 2023, 8:36 PM
9 0 0

Day 45

dertermenternerdert has claimed all of Alaska. And silly has given mrowlsss the rest of Georgia.

Day 44

Oren has launched a massive attack along his entire border. He’s pushing into Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and continuing in Ohio. Also, -1 is out of the game and Alaska is fully captured. Supercash regains some land in SC, but mrowlsss isn’t giving up yet.

Day 43

Minnesota has been fully captured. Supercash has pulled out of Indiana. Alaska is almost captured.

Day 42

supercash is fighting in South Carolina, and in response mrowlsss has attacked back. Also, Minnesota and Alaska are both almost captured.

Day 41

Oren and radi8 have almost taken Minnesota. At the same time, dertermenter and k10398 are almost done taking Alaska. supercash and 8bit continue to push in Ohio and the Carolinas.

Day 40

Oren has pulled out of most of south Minnesota, and is pushing into the Northeastern side. In the Carolinas, supercash is attacking along the border. In Alaska, dertermenter and k10398 have almost taken the state. The vast size slows them down though, and gives -1 an advantage.

Edit: also, if anyone wants to do this again, a cool idea would be to start as a Native American tribe, hide the state and county borders, and just fight from there. https://native-land.ca is a good map of Native American borders.

Jan 25, 2024, 11:22 PM
4 0 5

Day 39

Things are starting to pick up again after a slow period. Oren and radi8 have launched a new round of attacks on Minnesota. The Carolinas are now fully filled in, so we’ll be down to just fighting now. And things are looking pretty slim for -1 in Alaska. They’ve been using their supply of extra troops to hold out but it’s now running out.

Day 38

Things are moving pretty slow in Ohio. With both sides having about the same number of troops and strength, it’s pretty tough to get any momentum. Meanwhile, in the Carolinas, mrowlsss is trying to expand but supercash is pushing back.

Let me know if you can’t see the images, I think some part of the imgbb stack is down (I was able to upload the pics but I couldn’t see them)

Day 37

The Carolinas and Ohio are the centers of attention today as 8bit and mrowlsss both spread further. mrowlsss is fighting supercash. And in Ohio, Oren and silly are trying to connect to chiroyce but 8bit and supercash are making it as hard as possible.

Day 36

supercash has captured all of New York, giving him another state and region. In Ohio, war still rages.

Day 35

mrowlsss has broken through supercash’s thin wall of territory and is now invading SC. Also, DORCKS has been renamed to United Money Wasters (UMW for short). Also, Oren has barely reached chiroyce, but they’re not in the clear yet.

Day 34

Mrowlsss has joined DORCKS, changing the name to DORCKSM. (Side note: they’re looking for name ideas if anyone has some). In response to this mega-alliance, supercash, human, -1, rsrider, and 8bit have formed SH1R8 (if you guys want a different name let me know, I just came up with that by myself). Supercash has pulled out of most of SC and NC and mrowlsss is now attacking there.

Day 33

dertermenter and Chiroyce have joined the mega-alliance, which is now called DORCKS. Oren and Silly have started invading Ohio to help Chiroyce, and dertermenter and radi8 are supplying troops.

Jan 18, 2024, 11:07 PM
5 1 38

Day 32

Oren and radi8 are now invading Minnesota. Silly has slipped into the gap in Kentucky, and Chiroyce is getting hammered by supercash and 8bit.

Day 31

We’re a month in, and things have gone crazy today. Oren, silly, radi8, and k10398 have joined forces to create a mega-alliance (they just need dertermenter to join and they can have the acronym DORKS). radi8 has given Oren Iowa and they’re now invading Minnesota. Supercash has pulled out of Kentucky except for one county, and Oren came in to capture more of the state. Alaska is still a battleground, and -1 is fighting 2 different people.